18 November 2010
Remember to breathe
Been movin' and shakin' a bunch.
Been mostly in the flow yo.
This is fun, what wonderful and magnificent happenings going on around here. Fear, as it would seem has a great and welcome place in this world, it gets you aware that something big is about to happen. Choices arise, let the fear paralyze, step cautiously towards it, or boldly move with confidence towards that unknown. There in lies the game, almost our whole reality is shaped around such moments. There is comfortable space, sure, that realm of awareness where you're safe, cozy, and fine just where you are. Then there is potential space, a place where anything is possible because you believe its so.
What we'd like to see is what we all can make happen through action.
That is the only place this is going to come from, whatever comes next we all thought up and followed through with. This is NOW and this is what we've got. Complaining can only help perpetuate that which is complained about as we hold on to it. Change can only happen if we instead focus on the beauty and harmony we know is there, this is when the love starts to shine through. There may be many things happening around the world and close to home that are easily perceived as negative or tragic and yet if we are not physically attached to it there is little we are doing to improve these situations. The solution? Come to terms with what gifts you've been given, what your "medicine" is for the world, and how you can use it, selflessly share it really, with the world around you. Maybe it only goes as far as your closest loved ones, friends, or family, that is great, give them all that love. Perhaps it goes much further and your skills, knowledge, abilities can be embraced by more or larger communities, fantastic! Give it selflessly, and let it go when it's given.
Being grateful for where you are always, regardless of the situation is so beneficial to personal well being. Our actions in this life are the reflections of everything we are. If you'd like to see kindness. appreciation, and patience in the world then by golly BE kind, appreciate, and BE patient! This is the simplest lesson I can remind myself of, expecting anything of anybody that I am not already projecting out is fleeting at best.
I make the movement move and you do to. Let's live in joy and do this together with style and grace, and with a smile on our face yo...
09 May 2010
Jean's Farm lovin'
This next video series was taken just ten minutes apart.
10 minutes later...
I am so grateful for this experience, what a blessing.
28 April 2010
18 April 2010
Music worth sharing
This cool cat by the name of Marv Ellis passed along his newest release to me today and I am very much liking it. I send much gratitude to him for sharing. I am also happy to share his goodness with you now. That is the reason for this post. That is it. Take it or leave it. Dig it or don't. I leave what comes next to you...
Marv Ellis dot com
13 April 2010
I love disc golf
Disc golfing is so much fun. I enjoy it oh so thoroughly and I am most grateful for a bodacious wife and partner who is also inclined to play this glorious game with me. On top of that I am grateful for the opportunity to play sans Joy, though we often bring her along and I enjoy her presence there with us, it is such a different experience when we are able to play at our own pace and focus primarily on the game and not our animated daughter who is exploring the world around her at full pace.
I am also grateful for having such rad housemates.
This was what I awoke to see after my nap with Joy. Awesome huh? I'll keep this post brief and just extend my gratitude once again to my lovely and awesome wife Chrissy, to my housemates Shay and Jeanna and also to Illima who was kind enough to watch Joy for us while we went out and played disc golf. We shot two rounds, at two different 9 hole courses. Chrissy finished 1 over at the first course, I finished even (it was the closest round we've had yet) and the second round Chrissy again finished 1 over and I finished 4 under. Good times. I'm proud of Chrissy for this was the best two rounds she has ever played without taking mulligans or anything.
I love this life.
Mahalo yo!
A glimpse of how well Chrissy was putting...
08 April 2010
Life is a reflection of love
29 March 2010
Does it get any funner?
Posted on Sep 20th, 2007 by indubitablymeibe
~* A view from my wife's perspective *~
Move over more fun, funner is taking your place. Or at least it will and has been used proudly by me for as long as I can remember, it is way funner than saying more fun.
The title of this blog is more of a rhetorical question and knowingly absurd statement than anything else. It is going to get funner, I believe that entirely.
This is an enjoyable experience, just sitting here writing these words, breathing deeply and relaxing to the very best of my ability. I'm focusing on positively pursuing and embracing the most enriching and satisfying life as possible. To seek that which is in my highest and do what is best for my growing family.
Man am I stoked to become a father, tomorrow we have another check up, we are 17 weeks in and I am loving the anticipation of it all, to be going through this incredible experience with Chrissy is such a blessing, I'm so very thankful for all of it.
What we choose to place importance on in this life is really something to reflect upon, when I remember to be conscious of my breath and realize all of the wonderful comforts that I have, a roof over my head, food so I never go hungry, family and friends to share this life with, and to have access to vehicles and the means and/or money to fill it with fuel. I really have some luxuries beyond the basic necessities for survival, blessed indeed.
And to think of the limitless possibilities of what the future will hold, I'm looking forward to it...
Joy and love,
~ click here to check out The 5
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Master Cleanse, day one, let us have some fun...
Master Cleanse, day one, let us have some fun...
Posted on Oct 1st, 2007 by indubitablymeibe
~* Sun setting through the trees, lovely... *~
So this is the third or fourth time I believe of detoxifying my body by doing what is commonly known as the Master Cleanse or Lemonade Cleanse. It is a minimum of 10 day fast of sorts where you drink a mixture of fresh squeezed lemons, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. You also do a salt water flush every morning (which is a great deal of fun!).
I am stoked.
I've been doing some reading on peoples opinions on whether or not this is smart to do, safe, legit, and all that good stuff. What I can add to the mix is my first hand experience with it, each time I took on the cleanse it revitalized my entire being and I approve of it entirely.
Since the first time I did this my eating habits (and lifestyle in general) has changed quite considerably. I was mighty carnivorous prior to the first time I did the cleanse, I was also pretty unhealthy and I would guess anywhere from 25 to 35 pounds over my ideal body weight. I am now primarily a vegetable eating human being though by no means an absolutist about this (or anything for that matter), I still occasionally eat fish and from time to time meat may make its way on to my plate.
I am excited to do give myself this cleansing experience again for many reasons, one of which is to get rid of all of the built up toxins and processed junk that I have for the most part carelessly put into my system. The other reason is to clear my mind and body of the caffeine, alcohol, and marijuana that I have absorbed (most always in moderation mind you) since the last cleanse I did which was last summer.
There is really something to be said for the clarity and vitality I've experienced in the past through and after doing this cleanse, not to mention the rewards of mentally overcoming the challenge of not chewing on food for almost two weeks. I have realized and caught myself slipping into auto pilot more often than I would like (ideally I would love to be here now always), what I mean by this is that my focus, my presence of mind and body wavers sometimes and I find myself being more lazy and/or careless and I do not like that.
I am not doing this to lose weight, true one of the side effects of this process is loosing an average of around two pounds a day, what I am more concerned with is purifying myself, loosing a couple of pounds in the process is alright with me...
Honestly though, I love to challenge myself and I also love to honor and respect my body and mind and feel that this is a great way to do just that. This life is a whole lot of fun, there is beauty, magic, and wonder surrounding us at all times, I want to be present to receive and also create a part of that. The Master Cleanse is a friendly reminder and gift to myself that allows me to really take a look at my actions and help me to realize what I am doing positively and negatively to myself and others.
It is in my best to be loving and truthful always, I am in the process of detoxifying my body of toxic and destructive energies and during this time I will be clearing my mind of these very same things. Here's to enjoying the ride.
One last thing, I love my wife Chrissy more than any words or clever metaphor could compare, we are 18 weeks into our pregnancy and I am absolutely thrilled to be becoming a father. I want to be the best person I can be now and always so that my wife and our child have the best opportunity to live and grow up with all the love and happiness that I can provide.
Aloha nui loa one and all,
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Tagged with: Joseph Culhane, Master Cleanse, Chrissy Culhane, fun, yes, pregnant, baby, sexy, Vision Force Boot Camp, love, light, honor, respect, joy, happiness, appreciation, gratitude, beauty, divine, sunshine, goddess
Autumn foliage, the fresh brisk air, and a smile on my face.
Autumn foliage, the fresh brisk air, and a smile on this face.
Posted on Oct 24th, 2007 by indubitablymeibe
~* Chrissy and I at my friend Nicholas' concert *~
Let's roll this out in as positive a fashion as possible shall we? Life is good, wait, let me enhance that, life is grand!
Much better.
My last entry was a couple weeks back and I mentioned the Master Cleanse and starting that ten day adventure. I have since completed said adventure and I am back to the pleasurable experience of chewing wholesome and delicious food, what a delight that has been. The cleanse was a very rewarding challenge that I am grateful to have taken on for so many reasons, it truly has heightened my appreciation for life in general.
Now I am sitting here typing these words, consciously breathing deeply, with good posture and I'm in an absolutely great mood. The trees in view outside are a blessed array of colors, here in Minnesota the foliage is beautiful though brief and I am glad to have spent as much time as I have outside enjoying it.
That brings me to share with you a wonderful weekend experience my stunningly attractive wife and I had. We decided to go to an apple orchard in Afton, Minnesota and it was about as ideal a setting as we could imagine, the weather was gorgeous, we really had a fantastic time. We picked apples, raspberries, and a pumpkin too, I believe we were there for four hours or so, we had that much fun.
What a blessed life and world this is, I am so thankful.
Perspective is everything and I tell you what, I'm perceiving a stupendous reality right now. I am looking forward to what the future will be like while appreciating the present to the best of my abilities. It is so cool to think that anything is possible and that each day brings new gifts and limitless potential for joy and happiness.
I would love to write for awhile more but this day is so glorious that I am compelled to take advantage of it and go throw a round or two of disc golf before work. I also am going to post a new load of pictures on The 5 after I finish this so please feel free to take a gander.
One last thing, I love my wife Chrissy and every day I find more and more reasons why, I am so grateful to have such an amazing partner in this life to share the beauty and wonders of this world with. She is 22 weeks pregnant and doing very well, I look very forward to bringing this new life into the world with her and learning, remembering, and growing together as a family.
May you enjoy this moment, day, and life to the fullest! I send my love, gratitude, and happiness to you all.
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Tagged with: Joseph Culhane, Master Cleanse, Chrissy Culhane, fun, yes, pregnant, baby, sexy, Vision Force Boot Camp, love, light, honor, respect, joy, happiness, appreciation, gratitude, beauty, divine, sunshine, goddess
One day closer to tomorrow...
Posted on Nov 6th, 2007 by indubitablymeibe
~* My wife (in her sexy new glasses) and I at The Melting Pot, yes, it was delicious. *~
How much are you loving right now? Me, I suppose I could be loving it more, I realized as I asked the question that I wasn't very present of my breathing, among other things. I am thoroughly enjoying myself at the moment to be sure, there is always room for more though.
Today is the 6th day of November (depending on where you live I suppose), and in one months time, assuming all plans stay relatively in order, my wife and I will be on the road, on a splendid adventure driving towards our new home in Oregon. I'm stoked.
So here is a breakdown of our plan as of right now:
December 5th: Depart from the Twin Cities heading westbound, destination Boulder, Colorado and a two day visit with my good friend Jake.
(Roughly 930 miles and 13 hours drive time)
December 7th/8th: Depart from Boulder and head to Zion National Park in Utah, stay for 2 nights.
(Roughly 625 miles and 9 hours of drive time)
December 10th/11th: Depart from Zion and head to San Diego to stay with Chrissy's friend Justine and Scott for a couple of days, first stopping in Las Vegas for lunch.
(Roughly 470 miles and 7 hours drive time (up to 2 more with traffic in Cali though))
December 13th/14th: Depart from San Diego and head up to LA to visit my friend Matthew for a day or two.
(Roughly 120 miles and 2 hours of drive time)
December 15th/16th: Depart from LA and head up to Capitola/Santa Cruz area and stay with our friends Derek and Chas for a day or two.
(Roughly 380 miles and 7 hours of drive time (taking the coastal route))
December 17th/18th: Depart from Santa Cruz and head up to the Redwood National Park for one or two nights of camping.
(Roughly 430 miles and 8 hours of drive time)
Finally arrive in Portland, Oregon and stay with Chrissy's sister Kim for a short time before finding our own place to call home.
(Roughly 340 miles and 6 hours of drive time)
What an ambitious trip eh? We will see if this can be pulled off, I have high hopes but just like a leaf falling from a tree, we do not know the exact route we will take to our final destination.
Either way you slice or dice it we are bound for Oregon and will happily call it home in a little over a months time. In a couple of weeks we also have a wonderful trip to Maryland to look forward to as we will be spending a week with Chrissy's family over Thanksgiving.
I have appreciated the time we have spent here in the lovely state of Minnesota, we have done and seen many things together here and now we get to look forward to sharing completely new experiences in an area of the country neither of us has been to before in Oregon.
How did we come to decide on Oregon as the place we wanted to live? There are, like most all questions a great number of answers I could give. We both feel a calling to the area, it is considered one of the most progressive and "green" cities to live in in our country, there is both a coast and mountains an hour from us in each direction, the old growth forests, an abundance of nature in general, the list could go on for ages...
Really, we are excited to embark on a new adventure and we have decided that Oregon is the ideal place for us to start our family together. I fully trust that this is where we are supposed to be and that we shall thrive in and make the best of our situation once there. Our dreams are big and our reality reflects that, I have described my life since meeting Chrissy as a fairy tale and the more I think about it, it really feels like one. How cool is that?
Gratitude for right now, the only moment we have. If we truly are all one and I love Chrissy, it follows that I love you, and then it would appear that I love me too...
I can dig it.
Oh yeah, I left out that shortly after we had made our decision to move to Portland, we heard about a website called findyourspot.com it is a fun site that shows ideal places for you to work, live, and play. Check it out.
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Tagged with: Joseph Culhane, Oregon, Colorado, Las Vegas, Utah, Zion National Park, San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, Redwood National Park, road trip, ambition, dream, believe, wonder, awe, love, light, sunshine, divine, breathe, cherish, Chrissy Culhane, beauty, wonderu, Harry Potter, Catch-22, Mr Nice, yes, sweet, fun, sex, sexy, passion, appreciation, gratitude, thank you, aloha, mahalo, aflowha, hawaii, GreenSource, Visoin Force
Creating a beautiful reality
Posted on Dec 19th, 2007 by indubitablymeibe
~* A lovely snowy view from a rest stop in Utah *~
So this is it, right now, at this very moment, we are living out our vision.
How's it looking from your end? Good I trust.
I like to ask questions and wonder, I like to also step outside of my "comfort zone" in order to fulfill my desires of living a light and loving life. I am almost finished reading a very inspiring book by the name of Ishmael, have you read it? You should if you haven't already. If you are on this sight there is a fair chance you already have.
What I love about this book is the way it breaks down into very simple terms and scenarios how a great deal of humans live in todays age. This book sings to my heart, it helps me to see how our collective global reality has come to be the way it is. We are playing out a myth that has detrimentally impacted our precious home (Earth) and what I am so excited about now is the changing paradigms that are helping restore our relationship with each other, all of life, and this entire planet.
Fear and Consumption have played dominating roles for many of us in the past (me included). What I stand for today is a shift towards consciousness, towards gratitude, and towards honor and trust, in ourselves and each other. It is (in my humble opinion) time we embrace our feelings, take hold of our fears and use them to productively move forward toward the reality we all know we can have (and truly deserve).
I have been working on being more sensitive so as to heed the guidance of my intuition, when something does not seem right within it likely isn't right? Reflecting on how often in the past I have had a brief moment of insight only to brush the thought away and do something different and then to look back and say, gee, I should of just followed my feelings.
It takes practice, and diligence, to remove all the past misguided influence's that I've accrued through my upbringing (I still love and am grateful for you mom and dad), the media, and society at large, and just like going to the gym to exercise my body, I must exercise my mind and spirit, focusing daily on living a more present, and mindful life.
These words are here for inspiration, a friendly reminder if you will, to let you know that it is okay to believe anything is possible, to see that each and every one of us is in charge of manifesting our destiny, individually and as a whole. Let's continue to create a new myth for life on this blessed planet and restore the natural harmony and flow of this reality.
~Light and love,
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Tagged with: Joseph Culhane, love, light, sunshine, divine, breathe, cherish, Chrissy Culhane, beauty, wonderu, Harry Potter, Catch-22, Mr Nice, yes, sweet, fun, sex, sexy, passion, appreciation, gratitude, thank you, aloha, mahalo, aflowha, hawaii, GreenSource, Visoin Force
Happy Merry New day of Joy!
Posted on Dec 24th, 2007 by indubitablymeibe
~* A funky perspective of a picture I took on our way through Oregon, Portland bound. *~
A couple of days and we'll have once again spun around the sun, sweet. What a delightful and fun concept to ponder. Let's see, let's see, what's new? Ah, my beautiful wife, sister in law Kim, and I went to The Golden Compass today, that was a pleasurable experience. I thought they did rather well adapting Phillip Pullman's book The Northern Lights to the screen, save for the abrupt and rather premature ending. Even so, the movie overall was great.
The next two books in the series are far superior to the first as it were, not to discredit the book that starts the series at all, it is of course an essential read for the character and plot development. The concepts that get entertained and played out through this trilogy really got my imagination (and spirit) soaring, and as it came to a climax I too felt satisfaction for a story well told and something that has left me asking even more questions then before.
It is late (or early if you like), I have had such a splendid day and night with my wife, and her sister, they are fabulous people and the three of us have made a fantastic Christmas Eve in Portland that will forever be embraced in my memory. To all of you everywhere I share my love, light, and energy with you and celebrate the gift and utter joy of being conscious of this blessed life.
~~Gander at some recent pictures if it pleases you here.
~~~By the by, Portland is awesome, we love it...
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Tagged with: Joseph Culhane, love, light, baby, pregnant, the 5, portland, oregon, sunshine, divine, breathe, cherish, Chrissy Culhane, beauty, wonderu, Harry Potter, Catch-22, Mr Nice, yes, sweet, fun, sex, sexy, passion, appreciation, gratitude, thank you, aloha, mahalo, aflowha, hawaii, GreenSource, Visoin Force