18 April 2010

Music worth sharing

This cool cat by the name of Marv Ellis passed along his newest release to me today and I am very much liking it. I send much gratitude to him for sharing. I am also happy to share his goodness with you now. That is the reason for this post. That is it. Take it or leave it. Dig it or don't. I leave what comes next to you...

Marv Ellis dot com

13 April 2010

I love disc golf

Chrissy hitting a birdie on the last hole of round 1

Disc golfing is so much fun. I enjoy it oh so thoroughly and I am most grateful for a bodacious wife and partner who is also inclined to play this glorious game with me. On top of that I am grateful for the opportunity to play sans Joy, though we often bring her along and I enjoy her presence there with us, it is such a different experience when we are able to play at our own pace and focus primarily on the game and not our animated daughter who is exploring the world around her at full pace.

I am also grateful for having such rad housemates.

This was what I awoke to see after my nap with Joy. Awesome huh? I'll keep this post brief and just extend my gratitude once again to my lovely and awesome wife Chrissy, to my housemates Shay and Jeanna and also to Illima who was kind enough to watch Joy for us while we went out and played disc golf. We shot two rounds, at two different 9 hole courses. Chrissy finished 1 over at the first course, I finished even (it was the closest round we've had yet) and the second round Chrissy again finished 1 over and I finished 4 under. Good times. I'm proud of Chrissy for this was the best two rounds she has ever played without taking mulligans or anything.

I love this life.

Mahalo yo!

A glimpse of how well Chrissy was putting...

08 April 2010

Life is a reflection of love

This is spring. This is an expression of millions of years of adaptation and evolution. This is gratitude unfolding in the form of a plant, humbly reaching towards its provider (the sun) in a harmonious and symbiotic way that is in sync with everything.

In the grand scheme of things I am but a tiny speck of dust seemingly, aimlessly making my way around a tiny speck of a planet within a tiny speck of a solar system in a tiny speck of a galaxy in this universe (which very well may be a tiny speck of a universe in an infinite reality of universes). I am okay with this, in all actuality I embrace this.

The cool part is that I am shedding the well ingrained impression that my life has any more significance than any other plant, animal, fish, and so on. The really cool thing is that I am seeing how maintaining a positive, loving, and light filled perspective and portraying that through my actions is the most gratifying way of BEING. I am extremely grateful to be here right now.

The undulating waves of this ride we call life sure make things interesting. If every single moment is NOW and I am in fact manifesting it all then I sure have one wild imagination. That and for the most part, I am helping create a beautiful reality indeed.

I like to write, I like to read, I like to sing, dance, laugh, play, share, care, and so much more. This is just an expression of my gratitude for this life. In future posts there will be more of the same, there shall also be questions, encouragements, and perhaps a fair amount of constructive criticism as well. I humbly thank you for reading and encourage you to leave any questions and/or comments so that we may keep an open line of communication flowing, that would be swell.

Mahalo yo!